Divi Child Theme

Create Divi Child Theme

12. February 2020

Want to create a Divi Child theme for your WordPress website? Then you’ve come to the right place. Step by step I will guide you through the process. If you don’t feel like creating the child theme yourself, you can also download our free Divi Child Theme. You will find the download link further down in the text.


You do not have to watch the video if you do not want to. You will find all information in this post as well.

Child themes have a big advantage. They make it possible to make changes without interfering with the original code of the parent theme. If you are not using a child theme and make changes to the code, they may be overwritten when you next update. Or even worse – you will destroy the whole website. To work around this, we create another set of files where we can put our changes without affecting the original files of the parent theme. The next update will only overwrite the data of the parent theme and not the childs. 

Directions: Create Divi Child Theme

So, let’s get down to business. Now how do I create a child theme for Divi? The child theme consists of two main files. The strong functions.php and the strong style.css. We need to create both files. We don’t need much for that, just a computer with a simple word processor. Alternatively, you can download our free Divi Child Theme to install it directly on your WordPress website.

Step 1: Create folder

The first thing you should do is to create a folder on the desktop. In this folder the files you created for the Child Themes will be placed. You can name the folder basically as you like. For our tutorials we simply name it “DiviChild>/strong>”.

Step 2: create functions.php

In the second step we create the functions.php file. To do this, open a simple word processing program on your computer. If you work with a Mac, you can use TextEdit . Windows users can use the Notepad text editor. Both programs should be pre-installed on the respective operating system.


Insert the following code into the text file of functions.php:


create child theme code

add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘theme_enqueue_styles’ ); function theme_enqueue_styles() { wp_enqueue_style( ‘parent-style’, get_template_directory_uri() . ‘/style.css’ ); }


Then save the file under the file name functions.php in the folder you created before.

Step 3: create style.css

Now open another text document and insert the following code:

Theme Name: DiviChild
Theme URI: http://elegantthemes.com
Description: A Child Theme built for Divi
Author: wplo - WordPress und Divi Theme Tutorials
Author URI: https://www.wplo.de
Template: Divi
Version: 1.0.1
CSS-Code nach diesem Kommentar hinter dem abschliessenden Schraegstrich einfuegen 

The file is to be saved under the file name style.css in the folder previously created.


Step 4 (optional): Create screenshot

If you want, you can create a screenshot with the dimensions 880 x 660 px and attach it to the folder. The screenshot will then appear as a thumbnail in the WordPress Theme overview. The content of the folder should now look like this:


Divi Child Theme create folder


Step 5: Divi Child Theme Installation

You can now add the child theme to your website via the WordPress Theme Upload or via FTP and activate it. If you decide for the former, just follow the next steps.

Step 5.1: Divi Child Theme Upload

Since WordPress only accepts themes as zip files, we have to compress the folder before uploading. Mac users right-click on the folder and select >strong> “Collapse folder name” off. Windows users also right-click the folder to compress it. Click on the folder and select Send to > Zip compressed folder.

Step 5.2: Login

Now we can log in on our website

Step 5.3: Add Divi Child Theme

Then we navigate to Design > Themes and click on Add in the upper area


Add Divi Child Theme


Step 5.4: Upload Divi Child Theme

To upload the Child Theme, click on Upload Theme and select the compressed folder from your computer. If you have done everything correctly, the Install now button will become selectable. Click on the button!


Upload Divi Child Theme


Step 5.5: Activate the theme

If everything went well, you should now receive the message shown below. Now click on Activate to complete the process.


Create Divi Child Theme success message


That’s about it. The installation is now complete. Check directly if your WordPress website works as before. You can now make changes without overwriting them during an update. By the way, we have created two more articles that might interest you in this context. One is a guide to correctly editing functions.php and the other, a tutorial on embedding CSS code with Divi. It is important to understand the basics so that the code you include does not cause unwanted damage to your website.


Any questions? Suggestions for improvement or suggestions for further articles? Then use the comment function below this article!


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