Our comprehensive guide is designed to help you find answers to all the burning questions about a successful online marketing strategy. In the coming months, we will be adding a new article every other week, which you should not miss!
In the following article we will show why online marketing should be a central part of any advertising strategy and why it can also help your company to improve its own success at a reasonable price.
Why you too should rely on online marketing
Anyone can start a business. But only very few will be really successful with your idea. One reason for this is often obvious: No pig knows me! So comprehensive online marketing measures should increase awareness.
If you have already dealt with this topic, you may have noticed what an extensive task you are facing: Whether search engine optimization and marketing, a suitable web design, the optimal target group address or the right social media channels – the possibilities, criteria and questions are almost inexhaustible. However, the search for suitable articles and the correct online marketing strategy often turns out to be an extremely lengthy and labor-intensive undertaking – not because there is not enough material: the red thread, comparability and a meaningful statement about a realistic benefit are missing.
With our comprehensive blog series we would like to create a suitable work. In the coming weeks we will provide you with an overview of all relevant topics in the field of online marketing. You will benefit from our know-how and many years of experience and get to know all the necessary measures. Every company can theoretically become a successful giant: We share our experience for a promising start.
With online advertising to your success
be Amazon and not Neckermann
Do you still remember former giants like Quelle or Neckermann and their inglorious demise? The reason? Both discovered the possibilities of the Internet far too late and had to file for bankruptcy as a result. These are just two examples that show: without online marketing, no company can exist in the long term these days – not even the absolute leaders and probably not you either. Where classic distribution channels such as print media are losing ground, online marketing is becoming increasingly relevant. The reasons for this are obvious:
Online marketing directly reaches more than 3.4 billion potential customers
The costs are immensely lower compared to classic channels such as television advertising
Online marketing is characterized by its complete flexibility
The successes can be analysed and evaluated immediately
All advertising possibilities from text to film can be used
Why you too need advertising
In Germany alone, around 300,000 commercial companies are founded every year. An enormous number – and yet very manageable in international comparison. Accordingly, it should not be difficult to imagine how enormous the competition is in your industry.
An integral part of any company’s success should therefore be a high-quality marketing strategy; a strategy that will enable you to stand out from the crowd, gain broad recognition and ensure long-term success. But why online marketing and not radio advertising or something similar?
The triumph of the digital world
How many people today can actually imagine a life without the Internet? With the exception of a few, hardly any. It is therefore hardly surprising that digitization has changed our world forever: it changes how we communicate with each other, how we inform ourselves about the endless amount of products and services and how we consume them. In professional circles one also likes to speak of a media change as a result of the digital revolution. As a result, the Word Wide Web has turned the entire world upside down and is posing massive challenges not only to established areas such as classic print media. The Internet should therefore be used by every company to meet the demands of the 21st century; starting with its own website, comprehensive online PR measures and targeted advertising campaigns via Google Adwords & Co. But isn’t it enough to show a little presence?
Online marketing: without it, you can’t go on!
15 seconds – Just 15 seconds remain to convince his readers of himself and gain their full attention. Unfortunately, in 55% of cases this is not achieved – at least if you believe the real-time analysis tool Chartbeat. But to reach this extremely short time span in the first place, you first have to find and click. In the enormous competition with established big players, great success often proves to be a difficult undertaking, which is connected with an enormous effort – maybe too much effort?
The answer can only be as follows: No!
Because without sufficient participation on the Internet, including professional online marketing, usually nothing works anymore – no matter what industry your company comes from. Because only those who move in the vastness of the World Wide Web exist and can use the potential of more than 3 billion users for themselves.
But what added value does a comprehensive online marketing strategy actually offer for online retailers, medium-sized businesses or B2B service providers? And above all: what benefit does online marketing have for local companies, for businesses like the local Italian, the small tailor shop or the local B2B service provider? Or in a nutshell: why online marketing for your company?
Is advertising on the Internet something for me?
Online trade: The benefits of online marketing for online trade may at first glance probably seem clearly trivial. According to “rumours”, however, there are a considerable number of entrepreneurs who believe that they can quickly achieve success with a simple, home-made website and move up in leagues like Amazon & Co. But what good is the best product, the most beautiful idea or the most innovative service if nobody knows you and trusts you? Cardinal errors like an unprofessional web presence, lack of optimization or poor visibility are potential death sentences even for the greatest ideas. Online marketing measures such as a good web design, the creation of a suitable corporate design or a professionally executed search engine optimization can work wonders here, too.
Local Retail/Business: Advertising measures such as an eye-catching shop window, an advertisement in the local weekly newspaper or informative brochures and flyers are still decisive criteria for the success of local entrepreneurs. But even these means alone are no longer sufficient to ensure long-term profits. For example, a study published by Google in May 2014 comes to the conclusion that 4 out of 5 consumers of local offers inform themselves beforehand about services on the Internet. At the same time, 40% of those who carried out a local search make use of the services of a local provider within a period of just one day. The first point of contact is their own website. Those who do not have one do not exist here, not even apart from rating platforms or map entries. In order not to make the first decisive impression dependent on these easily manipulated and impossible to control instances alone, to build trust and to provide relevant information about your own offer, a professional web presence is essential. Other measures such as placing local advertisements can also support success.
B2B companies: Thanks to the specifics of the business-to-business sector, such as the frequent use of individual one-to-one strategies, classic advertising methods in the form of TV advertising and related strategies are rarely target-oriented. Accordingly, direct communication via online marketing can be an ideal, cost-effective supplement to classic, dialogue-oriented communication methods such as trade fair visits or direct marketing. In addition to advertising media such as a meaningful landing page and your own website, interactive communication channels such as Google+ also offer untapped potential.
As you can see, these facts show why online marketing should be used by every company. Enclosed please find more interesting facts in our infographics!
